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Use GoodSearch for Internet Searches and
Use GoodShop for Shopping from over 2,500 sites on the Internet
to Help Heartland's Animals!

How does it work?
?On the GoodSearch homepage, choose from thousands of organizations or add your favorite cause to our list.
?Search the Internet just like you normally would ? the site is powered by Yahoo!, so you'll get high-quality search results.
?Fifty percent of the revenue generated from the sponsored search advertisers is shared with the charity, school or nonprofit organization of your choosing.
?Good Search does not cost the user anything.

How much money could this generate for my charity or school?
Fifty percent of the revenue generated from the sponsored search advertisers on GoodSearch is shared with the charity, school or nonprofit organization of your choosing.
We estimate that each Web search will generate approximately $0.01 (image, video, Yellow Pages, and site-specific searches are not included). In fiscal 2006, 2007 and 2008 (October through September), each search actually earned 1.3 cents
It quickly adds up!

The sky's the limit. The more people who use GoodSearch, the more money will be directed towards causes. There is no cap on how much money will be directed to Heartland.